Party yesterday at Q's friends house, out in deep deep suburbia... next door neighbour is famous local politician. We had a lot of fun with that. Now friend who lives there... is HOT. In a stoner, has killed half his braincells, slightly skinny, coffee-addict, asshole sort of way. Exactly my type =) I managed to restrain myself due to the fact that he's not totally single, and Q has also gone there, and you know, ho-code nr. 2... Don't sex the ex.
But anyway, had a really nice time, baileys and coffee with a sprinkling of eph, and a bunch of strawberry margharitas. Q and I got so hyped up we went outside and did split-jumps on the trampoline for about an hour. Good times =)
I was supposed to go to another friends birthday yesterday, but... He has a crush on me. And I hate having to fend off drunken kisses when I'm trying to get my groove on. Very distracting that.
Ended the evening at 7 in the morning in Stoners bed with Q and Stoner, sleeping in a heap with heavy metal in the background. Party like it's Ozzy Osbournes birthday=)
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