Today is BFF's birthday!! =) I love this girl, oldest friend I have, we've known each-other since we were six years old, had a couple of bad fights, but we always talk through 'em =) Like the time she hooked up with my ex two days after we broke up, and the time I hooked up with this guy at a party, whom she had been trying to get with all night (dear god, "hook up", "get with" what am I, a hiphop-song?).
She's totally gorgous, totally cool, and never got tired over my endless whining over KP. Then again I never got tired of her endless whing over our mutual ex =P
To celebrate, she's coming over tonight, I'm cutting and dyeing her hair (how I deserved this trust is beyond me, except for the fact that I cut my own. But then again, my hair looks like a raped birds-nest), then a couple of people are coming over for drinks, and then we're hitting the town =)
I don't know if her current squeeze (17 years old tricker, who actually might be aproved) is coming, but he can't go out anyway (too young hahahahhahaha), so I guess it'll be just as good without him.
I love this girl! She's awesome!
In my life: emotions all over the place, had a missing Tenty-attack yesterday, still thinking about Danny's eyes, and this tendon in his jaw when he clenches his teeth, KP not so much actually, school started, it's awesome, I'm a genius, bought a new camera for my dad, 700 euro out the window, but on the plus side: didn't have to tell him I forgot his camera at a hotel in Amsterdam. Starting pole-dancing (yes, stripper-style) with BFF next week, it's going to be LEGENDARY! =)
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