That little sneak of a greaser is sidestepping his way into my country of emotion. I spent all day yesterday thinking about his eyes. I don't want to think about his eyes. Sure, they are nice eyes, but COME ON! A grown woman should never fall so easily.
What happened to the me who never liked people? Or rarely liked people. And when I liked people I was stuck on them for ages. Like superglue. Or syrup. Or some other sticky substance.
And after Tenty, I was so haaaappyyyy... I didn't even have anything to blog, coz my life was so relaxed and drama-free. I had to resort to rapping for christ sake (which was actually AWESOME, SUCK ON IT SNOOP!). And now... I still don't really have anythin to blog, coz the drama is well... absent. Except drama happening between my conflicting personalities (one is like, "I like being single and not hung up and free and loving myself and consentrating about myself, and I'm awesome, my life OWNS", and the other is more like "and theeen he could pick me up from schooool and we'd kiiiiiss, an we'd look so cuuuute together, and he is really cute actually, and he seems to really like me, and if I wanted to I could probably postpone the sex into infinity, and also I'm awesome and my life OWNS!" and then there's a third one who's just like "mmm... pizza... awesome"). But Danny seems... well... whipable actually. Slave-potential.
I like slaves.
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