Worked late yesterday until 2 AM (Yay, no drunk men picked me up and turned me upside down this time!), met Stu who very very very drunk, aaand I saw KP, which made my tummy do the summersault from hell. Oh and before work I was at at party with KPs ex. KP thinks she's the devil. Being friends with her gives me a twisted kind of pleasure.
Went to a club after work. Met Danny-greaser-always-apologizing-dude who was there with some friends. When the bar closed we went back to my flat (all of us, it doesn't get dirty yet). Had a couple of beers, which resulted in making them hammered and me a little tipsy. After a while I went out for a ziggy with Danny. He told me, drunken style (that is a lot of repetitions and giggling) that our mutual friend, guy who introduced us, at the time passed out on my couch, has a biiiig crush on me. And after I hooked up ( you know, light-style) with Danny last week, they have been fighting. Over me.
Danny says he wants to go out with me. I am... torn. I don't want mutual friend, but I liky the single at the moment. So we'll see.
People eventually left, and there was just me and Danny. We talked on my sofa until 5 AM, before going to sleep. Wearing clothes. Without getting any kind of dirty. Except me using him as a pillow (I don't have a perverted pillow-fetish, so that's not really dirty either, but we can pretend).
This morning my friend Baby (yes, I'm serious, and no, no-one has put her in any corners), came over at 10, so I got up, and we talked and hung out for a while, with Danny still asleep in my bed. Looking frankly kind of adorable We went out to the shops, and when we came back, he had scadaddled. As in gone. I can just imagine him waking up, alone, panicked and all sneaky, mission possible style, out the door and legging it all the way home. And that makes me a little happy inside.
This is actually kind of perfect, someone to spoon at night, who I don't have to kiss or do the dirty with (you know, unless I suddenly get the urge. For herbal. Or you know, whatever), and who takes off without me actually having to say... bye or... anything.
This is, the shit.
And KP, is actually just a shit.
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