And I'm back from a week at a rock/let's get terribly drunk-festival with my best friend's ex, and two of his buddies, whom I tented with, plus my best friend who tented somewhere... else. Gingerboy was also at the festival and I spent large amounts of time avoiding him like the plague, and succeded reasonably well. I only spotted his orange head once in the distance, and made a run for it.
On the first day (possibly the second, I'm not good with days) I managed to a) lose my phone while b) having sex with The Ex's friend on the other friends mattress, while being c) drunk out of my head. During the next couple of days we then managed to evolve a "new-love"-cutsie annoying persona, everything is ours we are an entity kind of an annoying joint personality, and he moved into my tent. Which was just as well, coz the nights were serilously cold, even though I was drop dead drunk when I went to bed.
He also during this short week managed to bestow upon me a necklace he inherited from his grandfather, introduce me to his sister, drop me off his back, me landing on my face with my feet above my head nearly breaking my back, call me his princess, give me a hickey, drunkenly almost try to anal probe me with his thingy, become, according to his buddies, thoughly pussy-whipped, and make KP a far and distant memory.
successful vacation =)
I have no idea what's going to happen now that we're home, I still have his heirloom (haha), I owe him money (I think), and we separated on a very cuddly note, but my relationship anxiety hasn't gone anywhere, and he's never had a girlfriend so it's safe to assume he has a bit of a case of it too, and a summer fling could be nice I guess... But I guess we'll find out. I'm still leaving town, and I was sort of dating two other guys before I left on vacation... God the timing of this sucks.
On the first day (possibly the second, I'm not good with days) I managed to a) lose my phone while b) having sex with The Ex's friend on the other friends mattress, while being c) drunk out of my head. During the next couple of days we then managed to evolve a "new-love"-cutsie annoying persona, everything is ours we are an entity kind of an annoying joint personality, and he moved into my tent. Which was just as well, coz the nights were serilously cold, even though I was drop dead drunk when I went to bed.
He also during this short week managed to bestow upon me a necklace he inherited from his grandfather, introduce me to his sister, drop me off his back, me landing on my face with my feet above my head nearly breaking my back, call me his princess, give me a hickey, drunkenly almost try to anal probe me with his thingy, become, according to his buddies, thoughly pussy-whipped, and make KP a far and distant memory.
successful vacation =)
I have no idea what's going to happen now that we're home, I still have his heirloom (haha), I owe him money (I think), and we separated on a very cuddly note, but my relationship anxiety hasn't gone anywhere, and he's never had a girlfriend so it's safe to assume he has a bit of a case of it too, and a summer fling could be nice I guess... But I guess we'll find out. I'm still leaving town, and I was sort of dating two other guys before I left on vacation... God the timing of this sucks.