This is reaching new levels of complicated. My best friends ex, but not only her ex, her first ever boyfriend, first ever anything, well I'm going on holiday with him. We're gonna be living together in a tent, getting ridiculously drunk and going to rock-concerts. And he's on the rebound from his LAST ex, who, when he dumped her, cried on my shoulder for about 4 hours. And threw up on my purse. So yeah.
ANYWAY, this guy is dropping inuendos all over the place, about how we should get naughty in the backseat in the car on the trip. Wait, that's not an inuendo is it. That's just a really really bad pickupline isn't it. Except he's doing it like haha, I'm joking. Or AM I? *shifty look*
Anyway, my best friend said the other day that since she's got a new guy and is like deliriously in love, she's not gonna be jumping the ex's bones on the trip. Oh yeah, she's coming too. But living in another tent. Anyway, since she's not doing any jumping, I could if I want to. I should ignore that right? You never get involved with your friends exes right? that's like against tha ho-code. Definitly. Yes. Stay away.
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