Ah Jesus. The AB, the friend I had sex with, has this friend he's been trying to fix me up with for a year, coz if I'm dating his friend, AB's girlfriend would probably let him hang out with me. Now his friend is very nice, a little emo, but cool and into marshall arts, which is awesome. But not so much with the sparks. Or I didn't think so. Appearently È did though, and since I've been talking about moving to the capital, he's applied for university there... Yeah. I unintentionally played him, and now he likes me so much he wants to move to another city. And AB knew that when he slept with me. I am gradually coming to realise that AB is something of an asshole. Too bad we can't be friends anymore, what with the jelous girlfriend, coz assholes make for the funnest friends =)
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