Righti-o... Well, Tent-boy went down in flames. Or not really in flames, more like slightly decending in a shower of sparks, possibly fireworks.
What happened was a little fuzzy, basicly we had a very nice day, just cuddling up in his house, watching movies, having sex, talking, eating m&m's... On the friday he was supposed to go to work at 9 AM(!!), but due to our failure to ever really go to sleep, he called in sick. Thursday night we were talking about something or another, and he called me his girlfriend. I was a bit uhm-ed, and asked if I was, indeed his girlfriend. His response was "well yeah, sort-of". I just said ok, and ignored the matter as there were more interesting things going on (his fingers doing tickly things to my happy-place can be quite distracting).
Right before we went to sleep (like six in the morning) I asked him if I officially became his girlfriend today. He said that, well with going in the army shortly he didn't really want a girlfriend, I said ok and we slept. Very entwined I might add.
Next day, no work, so we slept in, had lots of happy-fuzzy-Imissedyou-sex, went to buy him new shoes, went out to eat, picked his sister up from work, and then he drove me home so I could pack for my weekend-trip (three-year-tradition, me and an old mate of mine go hiking every summer). In the car outside my flat we made out and giggled for a while before I asked him if what we were doing was a sort of a summer fling thing. And then we exchanged "I don't know"s for a while, before I came to the conclution, that although I don't want to pair up and be the whole exclusive picket fence sort of happening just at the moment, I do want that eventually. He said he didn't want a girlfriend because of the whole army-thing, I said that if that was the case, I didn't think "we" were a good idea. Truth is I simply can't be bothered to fall head over heels with a guy who doesn't want something to come of it some day. Again.
He actually seemed more upset than me, kept saying he was sorry, and kept wanting to kiss me one last time, while I was, well... kinda fine. Disappointed, really thought this one could be something, but... well... whatever? I gave him his necklace back too. He looked like he might cry at that point. He's still taking me to an Eric Clapton concert (Oh yes, there is a concert in town, freaky dream, freaky freaky freaky!! Am I clairvoyant? Must investigate further) in a couple of weeks, with his entire family, aaaand we kind of agreed to have a one-nighter in connection with that.... Yeah, so not a good idea, but to hell with it, I like sex.
A couple of texts back and forth during the weekend (he called me "kitten" and used the kissy-smiley), but on the whole, I think I'm going to call this one over. We'll have a goodbye-shag, I'll take advantage of him and his car to help me move, and that can just be it. I think I might be allright. Not sure though. Will investegate further over a gin and tonic.
PS. Gave him a blow-job in the car, sooooo fun, he almost crashed the car, and got really uncomfortable at red lights (revenge for putting his hands down my pants and kissing my neck when I was on the phone with my mum).
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