Oh... my... Gucci...
Sooo.... second official date with Tent-boy yesterday, this guy is so childish and ridiculous, I love it =) He came over after work, I made him some food (I swear, housewife-genes I did not know I had), he met my father (*red flashing sign* DANGER!), and ended up staying the night...
We again had a bit of the sex, was very nice, he's very interested in comunicating about it, and wants to find out how to please me (!). At some point we just stopped what we were doing, and just lay completely still staring into each-others eyes (!!). And we also had this completely silly conversation through it all in this crazy american dialect, and a tickle war that moved the bed about a foot away from the wall. Inbetween all this fun, action and humor filled adventure, he said (breathe deeply now): I love you. And I responded with "No, you do?", and then we just went back to being silly.
I'm freaking out.
Is it just me, or is this moving a tad too fast? Just like... a smidgeon... The worst part is that it made me happy. And in the morning I got up an hour before him and ran out to Burger King and bought him breakfast, coffee and a razor so he could shave before work. Dear God, I don't want to turn into a relationship-person.
Stu also asked me to go swimming, seeing as the weather has decided to behave and be summerly for once. I said I didn't have the time because I had to pack for my weekend get-away today. Which is actually true . So there.
Oh yeah, and I'm leaving for Amsterdam on wednesday, so Tenty said he could pick me up after work on wednesday, and we could go to his place and I could see where he lived. It does seem rather like he's changed his mind about the cooling off. What with the I love you and stuff.
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