Dear God I'm bored. Holed up in my room, can't even comfort-eat because the antibiotics make me too queasy to even think of food for very long. And I can't use this non-eating, no-plans-coz-I-was-supposed-to-be-in-Berlin time to exercise either, because of the red-hot mountain of pain that's happening all down my right side.
BFF (you know, festival with her ex BFF) went off to the army yesterday, VBMF and me aren't talking because our Amsterdam-trip made us realise we actually can't stand eachother, Glamourous Blonde Perfect friend is in London with her Perfect Loving Boyfriend, and I'm loooonelyyyy.... Well... not lonely... just annoyed with my laptops download-speed (very very very slow, been waiting on "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" for two days).
Yes, I am whining. Deal with it.
To illustrate my inability to actually walk, or talk, or do anything remotly social or work-like, the last two days I've watched (not in order); I am Sam, Requiem for a Dream, The Butterfly Effect 2, Into The Wild, A Walk to Remember, The Virgin Suicides, The Graduate, and really an unseemly amounts of tv-series "Dead Like Me".
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