All moved out, just my sheets and a bag of clothes left to transfer =) S all good.... Tent-boy helped me move... I have no idea what I'm feeling about that whole situation at the moment. I think I want him. He's just so NICE! He's the kind of guy who gives his seat to old people on tha bus, and then comes home and bites you on the ass, growling sexy-like. And those big big big blue eyes when he wants you to kiss him.... Fuck allmighty. I really really wanna go there.
ANYWAY. He came over, with his beautiful wreck of a car, and I was proudly showing him my room, now empty, when he kind of kissed me. And I think I might have kissed back. I don't know. I want to have some boundries! If you never ever want to get serious with me, and it's not a one nighter, you don't get to kiss me!
That's reasonable, right?
Well, I went "what are you doing, you're not supposed to kiss me.". He went "mumble mumble". I went "mumble" and we moved my stuff. After moving all the stuff (with this really awkward mood, where I wanted to hold his hand all the time) he drove me home, and did the pointing-at-his-cheek-gimme-a-kiss-thing. So I did, proud of my self control and poise. Then I got out of the car. Leaned through the open window. Really romantic slow kiss.
Superego 0, ID 2 (or 3 I don't remember, anyway, Superego looosing).
I asked him later why he kissed me in the first place (appart from my awesomeness of course), and he said that he didn't know how to act when he saw me again, and I looked as though I wanted to be kissed. Which I totally did. But yeah.
Think we might cancel Clapton and the whole one night thing. I don't know if either of us really think it's wise to get nekked and dirrty when things are like this.
Unless we're drunk of course.
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