Oh page. When I once again tasted the sweet release of your blankness, I must admit, I am hooked once more. I long to fill you up (haw haw), and to be as we were, with you, my confidant and saviour. I beg of you page! I am sorry for leaving, please give me another chance! You shall not be bereft of red-headed stick-figures anylonger.
I offer to you as my redemption, that which currently troubles my heart, in a casual and (hopefully) comidic form.
I have again had the notion that I want to move away (far away) from my town. Specifically to another country this time. I want to study psychology, and follow in the footsteps of my step-father. But don't tell my father that, the risk of a fist-fight there is already great enough.
Anyhow, the problem with this life-plan, is my current love-interest. My boyfriend. The one with the beard (is there a sexual philia related to beards? Must investigate). Now, I got a leetle drunk last night, for the first time in two months. And got very thoughtful (hormonal). And so we talked about a lot of things that I now have trouble distinctly remembering. And well... I think I have to break up with him.
Breaking up with The Awesomeness (as he shall hereforth be known) because of a conversation the recollection of which is beer-coloured and fuzzy, might not seem like the best reasoning. I admit. But....
I have no follow-up.
Anyway, the fact of the matter is that I am beginning to get to an age where relationships last for a -long- time. Like years and years. And people move in together and have children. Not so much marrige though. What can I say, we're a sinful generation (sin is so cash yo).
And years and years would be.... an... experience. One that I'm not sure I'm very comfortable with. And at the same time, I can really not be bothered in the slightest way to spend time and energy on something that really just is a short-termed, orgasm-filled haze of chocolate and... sex and... Hm.
Once again page, you have made me think about things from a different angle. I think I need some chocolate and sex to help me make this potentially life-altering decicion. Lots of sex and chocolate. And ass-cheek biting. Yes. Yeeeees.... Exellent...
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