I haven't posted in a while because there is abselutely nothing interesting going on in my life. I mean it, not a flaming shit on a biscycle.
I have become boring.
As we speak I'm installing my pirated Sims2 expansion packs. This is how boring I am. I am one step away from crocheting some sort of baby-wrapping.
Boyfriend is great, a little annoying at times with his eliteist points of view, but this is forgiveable. ( He really is good in bed, it's amazing). Hey, on that note, we had sex under the Church of Christ the other day. Hardcore. (ok, really we were just horny and it was the closest secluded spot, but that's not important. We're still hardcore like fucking plums).
BFF FINALLY had sex with her jailbait, which may be the consequent reason I have not seen her for a while. Hurr hurr. All joy to them, bless their humping little souls.
I look like I'm being beaten up on a regular basis thanks to my flurishing poledancing career. Bruises fucking EVERYWHERE, my parents thought Boyfriend was hitting me. Now, while we do like it rough, it does not as of yet border on abuse. Except for the tickling. That's just cruel and unusual punishment.
His nipples are ticklish though. So I've got something.
Had a couple of beers with my young friend (read: underage) yesterday, was really nice to get pleasently tipsy and not wasted. But she made out with a friend of mine. Should have prevented that.
Ah well, you're not a proper teenager before you make out with tools while intoxicated