Long time no blog.
Shit has Gone Down. Notice the capitalization. And the rearranging of Main Folks.
First things first, I have a boyfriend. A not before mentioned unknown of the male persuasion. He is awesome. Smart, considerate, good in bed (a cunning linguist i you get my drift hawhaw wink wink), nice, cuddly, a good conversationalist, and totally in love with me. It seems. And hot. Did I mention hot? He is HOT!
I am of course a wreck of doubt.
Logic strikes again.
It started with him helping me with my homework. Then one night (after a bottle of baileys), he kissed me. And I sort of moved in for three weeks. Didn't do the dirty at once though, not even slightly. Waited two weeks.
Became official a couple of days ago. And I've been freeking out ever since. Either because I don't really want to me in a relationship with this guy, I am insane, KP fucked my emotional sanity up more than I realized, I'm afraid of losing him (cause he is like.... AWESOME) or my female intuition has picked up something shady about him.
I have no idea, I'm just a mess.
And my exams start in under two weeks. And I haven't opened a book i three. So yeah. That's great.
Running away and joining a convent seems like a good idea right about now actually.
Or having a fling with KP or this hot stock-broker I've been onlining it with for a few years.
Total Mess.
Oh and Boyfriend is Bff's ex, she's got a new boyfriend, younger bloke, with dreads, he's cool.